Chemo Hair Loss: Having Fun with the Inevitable.

I am a prissy  little boy and need to shower at least once a day lest I skeev myself out by my own greasy hair. It gets oily, clumpy and grossly unmanageable if I don’t make every effort to fight nature’s cruel desire to make me look like an unkempt homeless person. This is ideally how I like my hair to look:

This is totally a bathroom selfie. JUDGE ME
This is totally a bathroom selfie. JUDGE ME

This is how my hair looks after ONE DAY of not showering:

It is grosser than it looks.
It is grosser than it looks.

It’s hard for me to shower now because I have a PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) which is basically an IV that enters a vein in my bicep and then continues on through my vein all the way up my arm, through my armpit, into my chest and lands IN MY FUCKING HEART. Yes, there is a tube that runs from my arm to my heart through one of my veins. Yes it felt super weird being threaded with it, but now I don’t notice it. It’s a very practical way to get IV drugs into my body without messing up veins too badly, and it lasts way longer than a traditional IV. Anyway, I can’t really get it wet, so we have to wrap it up like a birthday present with an STD. This makes daily showers an almost impossible task… so I decided to nip the chemo hair loss in the bud and take matters into my own hands. Also, if I let my hair fall out naturally I would be all patchy like that stray dog that gave birth under your dumpster, and I have more dignity than that. My body, my hair, MY TERMS (wait, wasn’t I supposed to be cured of my control issues? oh well!)

Remember Kevin, my best friend who crotch warmed my jizz for me? Well he is married to one of the most talented hair stylists in Denver, so I asked if she would do the honor of preempting chemo’s attempt to embarrass me by removing my hair. Dana happily complied (thanks again, girl!). A bunch of us, including Liana (who took the following hilarious pictures), some friends and some oncology unit nurses had a let’s-see-how-silly-we-can-make-Jason’s-look-head-shaving-party in my hospital room. Here are the results… I hope you find them as humorous as we all did:

Dana getting started... Jason getting nervous
Dana getting started… Jason getting nervous
Not a face of amusement.
aaaaand skrillex
aaaaand skrillex
I don't even...
I don’t even…
Don't let this fool you, she really is good at her job, I promise.
Don’t let this fool you, she really is good at her job, I promise.
I could probably actually pull this off, right?
I could probably actually pull this off, right?
I find this the least amount of funny, but I bet you disagree.
I find this the least amount of funny, but I bet you disagree.
Obligatory Heisenberg. Came out pretty good, IMO
Obligatory Heisenberg. Came out pretty good, IMO

And here is the final product. I look like a taxi driving down the street with both doors open (first one to guess the reference in the comments wins a free Chemo-Cocktail!):


It’s not that bad, right? I am going to wake up in the morning and have an absolutely panic melt when I glance in the mirror during my groggy morning bladder evacuation, though. Point your ear toward Uptown Denver at around seven in the morning on 1/29/2015 and you’ll probably hear my squeal.

This is how I’ll look for the foreseeable future. I guess I just gotta DEAL WITH IT… and I will.

Also, get in touch with Dana here and  Get a real haircut/color/trim/style from Dana! DENVER’S BEST

Published by

Jason the Cancer Troll

I am the benevolent Cancer Troll.

42 thoughts on “Chemo Hair Loss: Having Fun with the Inevitable.”

  1. As I was reading Jason’s (I mean Heisenburgs) blog at 5am, I was yet again laughing so hard I was crying.
    Iam certain you should be writing along side Vince Gilligan.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Healing thoughts to you always- Lynn

  2. As I was reading Jason’s (I mean Heisenburgs) blog at 5am, I was yet again laughing so hard I was crying.
    Iam certain you should be writing along side Vince Gilligan.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Healing thoughts to you always- Lynn

  3. kind of wish you kept skrillex for at least a day, but the bald head really brings out your cheek bones. #baldisbeautiful

  4. kind of wish you kept skrillex for at least a day, but the bald head really brings out your cheek bones. #baldisbeautiful

  5. I have similar pics of you getting your head buzzed during your HS graduation party…Jim left just a little bit more hair though.

  6. I have similar pics of you getting your head buzzed during your HS graduation party…Jim left just a little bit more hair though.

  7. Heisenberg is my favorite of the looks but the final product looks pretty good, too! You’re cute as a baldie.

  8. Heisenberg is my favorite of the looks but the final product looks pretty good, too! You’re cute as a baldie.

  9. You are broadening my horizons – had no idea who Shrillex was and never watched Breaking Bad, so that was lost on me too:) I admit it – I’m pathetic!! Anyway – I like the fact you are controlling what you can. And I hope someone brings you a hat – you look cold!

  10. You are broadening my horizons – had no idea who Shrillex was and never watched Breaking Bad, so that was lost on me too:) I admit it – I’m pathetic!! Anyway – I like the fact you are controlling what you can. And I hope someone brings you a hat – you look cold!

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